Geotechnical Frontiers 2025 is organized by the Advance Textile Association’s Geosynthetic Materials Association and the American Society of Civil Engineer’s Geotechnical Institute every six years, combining the annual GeoCongress and bi-annual Geosynthetics conferences. It is the largest geotechnical trade event in North America and puts you face-to-face with qualified buyers and decision makers from geotechnical companies, government agencies and contracting organizations.

Align yourself with the industry’s top manufacturers and service providers showcasing the latest products, services and equipment, and presenting geotechnical solutions, technologies and innovations. The majority of visitors plan which booths they will visit. Our Show Guide can help you maximize booth traffic, reach your audience and have a positive experience. With an anticipated 2,500 participants, Geotechnical Frontiers 2025 is a valuable avenue to promote your company through exhibiting, sponsoring and presenting.

The trade show and all of events and education will be held at the Kentucky International Convention Center, convenient to airports, hotels and major attractions.

Booth reservations will open Fall 2023.
