
Filter Evaluation for Dams and Levees Using the Risk Management Center Filter Evaluation (Continuation) Toolbox
Adam Gohs, PE,  and Timothy O’Leary PE, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Filters are critical components of dam and levee embankments designed to prevent particle movement from intergranular seepage flow where defects are present in a base soil or seepage water flows through pore spaces of a soil mass in an embankment or foundation. A properly designed filter serves two fundamental functions: the prevention of soil particle migration (particle retention) and the allowance of sufficient drainage for internal embankment zones (permeability).

The Risk Management Center (RMC) Filter Evaluation (Continuation) Toolbox provides a means for assessing the particle retention and permeability criteria for new filter design and the evaluation of existing filters for dam and levee embankments. This short course will provide background for the basic concepts of filters and hands-on experience with the RMC Filter Evaluation (Continuation) Toolbox through multiple guided examples. The course will also discuss filter considerations such as breakdown or degradation, segregation, and washout due to internal instability and how they are accounted for in the filter evaluation.

*Additional Registration required

Fundamentals of Geosynthetics
Kerry Petrasic, PE,  Gannett Fleming, Inc
Geosynthetics are a relative newcomer in geotechnical engineering.  The technology is developing rapidly and continues to evolve.  This course is intended as a primer for those desiring a basic understanding of geosynthetics.  Discussions during the one half day course will cover the various types of geosynthetic materials, applications and functions of the materials, and the various synthetic polymers used in manufacturing geosynthetics.  It will be demonstrated that geosynthetics are to be considered as another tool in the tool box that geotechnical engineering designers and professionals have available to assist in addressing a variety of geotechnical and environmental engineering challenges.  Particular emphasis will be provided on how the intended application or function and existing soil and water conditions, will dictate the structure of the geosynthetic, and the specific polymer used for its manufacture.  Cost constraints, constructability concerns, and short and long term performance  requirements will also be discussed.  While a geosynthetic may be capable of addressing a specific situation or condition, it may not be the best solution.

*Additional Registration required

Vertical Barriers for Dams, Levees and Geoenviromental Applications
Daniel Ruffing, PE, Geo-Solutions, Inc.; Jeffrey C. Evans, PhD, PE, PARSONS/Bucknell University

Two experienced engineers, one from the construction industry and one from academics and consulting, offer attendees a short course on vertical barriers for dams, levees and geoenvironmental applications. The course offers a balance of theory and practice in such a way as to inform attendees of the issues across the spectrum of design, construction, monitoring and performance (short and long term). The short course will first provide an overview of the vertical barriers including a discussion about the primary functions and important performance characteristics. The primary techniques currently employed will then be presented including an in-depth look into the design and construction methods and important considerations for all stages. The short course will present an overview of common field monitoring practices and procedures, including advantages and limitations of the various available methods. Finally, factors affecting costs for the various techniques along with current cost information will be presented.

Learning Objectives:  The course is designed to prepare participants to:

  1. Identify the different vertical barrier types and select appropriate applications and functions.
  2. Understand the available means and methods to construct each of the vertical barrier types
  3. Understand the key design considerations for vertical barrier applications including the complex interactions between state-of-stress and hydraulic conductivity for soil-bentonite cutoff walls and the volume change (shrinkage) causes and impacts for cementitious barriers.

Design and Construction of Energy Geo-structures
Sherif Abdelaziz, Virginia Tech, Tony Amis, Endurant Energy, Omid Ghasemi-Fare, University of Louisville. Alessandro Rotta Loria, Northwestern University and Marcelo Sanchez, Texas A&M University
The design and construction of energy geostructures are becoming of high interest worldwide nowadays. There is currently a knowledge gap among practicing engineers on how to design and construct these geo-structures. Thus, this short course will discuss various topics related to best practices for the design and construction of energy geo-structures, with an explicit focus on energy piles. Focusing on practicing engineers, the course will introduce participants to (1) fundamentals of energy geostructures, (2) in-situ thermal response tests used to determine the thermal properties of soils surrounding energy foundations, (3) thermo-hydro-mechanical properties of soils, (4) additional thermal stresses and strains that need to be considered in the design of energy piles, and (5) best construction practices and quality control and assurance for in-situ constructions.

*Additional Registration required

Geosynthetics in Roadway Design
Jorge Zornberg, PhD., PE, The University of Texas at Austin and Erol Tutumluer, PhD., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaigne

Geosynthetics provide sustainable alternatives for enhanced performance, durability, and cost-effectiveness of roadways. This short course provides an integrated view of the multiple applications of geosynthetics in this transportation mode. This includes the mechanisms involved in the different applications, the identification of relevant geosynthetic properties, the available design methodologies, and case histories involving the use of geosynthetics in roadway projects.

An outline of the main topics to be covered is as follows:

  • Welcome & Objectives
  • Geosynthetics: Types and Functions
  • Structural Capacity of Pavements
  • Overview of Geosynthetic applications in Roadways
  • Geosynthetics for Mitigation of Asphalt Reflective Cracking
  • Geosynthetics for Stabilization of Unbound Aggregate Layers
  • Geosynthetics for Reduction of Layer Intermixing
  • Geosynthetics for Reduction of Moisture in Structural Layers
  • Geosynthetics for Stabilization of Soft Subgrades
  • Geosynthetics for Mitigation of Distress Induced by Expansive Clays and Frost-Susceptible Soils
  • Path Forward & Closure*Additional Registration required

Sustainability and Life Cycle Assessments of Geosynthetics and Geo-systems
Mina Lee, PhD., University of Windsor and Dipanjan Basu, Ph.D, PE. University of Waterloo
The short course will address the growing importance of sustainable practices in geotechnical engineering by offering an overview of sustainability concepts and the application of life cycle assessment in geotechnical engineering. Topics covered include principles of sustainability, the scope of sustainable geotechnics, considerations for sustainability in geosynthetic applications, state-of-the-art methodologies for sustainability assessment in geotechnical engineering, and the principles and application of LCA to geo-systems.

Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the nexus between sustainability and geotechnical engineering. Additionally, participants will acquire knowledge of LCA methodology and learn the challenges associated with sustainability and life cycle assessments in geotechnical engineering applications. The course will feature a practical demonstration focusing on the application of LCA to mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls reinforced with geosynthetics. The demonstration will guide participants through step-by-step LCA calculations and will present useful information helpful for optimizing MSE wall designs with sustainability considerations.

*Additional Registration required

CPT & CPTu Application for Deep Foundations Geotechnical Design; Databased Approach
Abolfazi Eslami, AUT; Barmak Biron; and Masoud Nobahar, LSU-LTRC 

The Cone Penetration Test (CPT) and Piezocone (CPTu) play a crucial role in geotechnical pile design due to their simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and ability to provide continuous records with depth. The CPT data results are interpretable on both empirical and analytical bases, and they can incorporate various sensors to measure different soil parameters, leading to a large database of experience-based knowledge. The primary datasets provided by CPT and CPTu can be used based on tip resistance, sleeve friction, and pore pressure, which are highly applicable to geotechnical pile design. Its main advantages include rapid application, economical aspects, and reduction in operator influence, making it an increasingly preferred method over other available in situ tests. Several methods utilize CPT data for predicting geomaterial properties in foundation design, including empirical methods, simplified analytical methods, numerical analyses, and soft computing. Due to the similarities between the cone penetrometer and pile behavior, it can be used to determine pile capacity with necessary amendments and modifications regarding scale effect and installation. Accordingly, factors such as penetration rate, strain level, type of execution, data processing, influence zone, and ultimate load criteria should be considered.

In the design process of deep foundations, it is essential to integrate CPT data with geotechnical aspects such as bearing capacity, settlement, embedment location, and the possibility of surrounding soil instability. The continuous records from CPT soundings provide a detailed profile of soil behavior, tip resistance, and sleeve friction, which are critical for assessing soil strength and stiffness variations at different depths. Available pile design approaches are static analysis, dynamic approaches, load testing, empirical and in situ-based methods. Recent advancements in in situ testing have enhanced the reliability of CPT-based methods for pile design. Direct approaches estimate pile unit shaft and tip resistance directly from CPT records, while indirect approaches use CPT data to derive soil strength parameters for static analysis. In the past 60 years, after the 1960s, more than 30 CPT-based methods have been developed and employed by different entities worldwide. Despite the diversities between methods and geographic locations, most of the predicted pile capacity is in a reasonable and promising range compared to the measured one. The methods employed either locally or internationally have been developed essentially based on a comprehensive knowledge base database.

This course will provide an in-depth understanding of CPT and CPTu implementations and their role in pile geotechnical design, including installation, bearing capacity, settlement, and resistance distributions. Participants will gain insights into practical applications, methodologies for pile design discussed analytically, and case histories to understand the applicability of CPT in pile design. The program includes a review of selected well-known methods that discuss the database approaches in detail.  Overall, the program will also provide real-world examples of challenging conditions in pile design. A recap and Q&A sessions will allow participants to engage in discussions to solidify their professional implementation.

*Additional Registration required

Peggy Hagerty Duffy, P.E., BC.GE, is President of Hagerty Engineering and Executive Director of the International Association of Foundation Drilling. She has worked as a geotechnical engineer in Louisville, Kentucky, for over 30 years.  She will give a walking tour of the downtown Louisville area and highlight the geologic history of the region (which is the reason Louisville is located where it is!), subsurface conditions and how they affect construction, and important structures in the vicinity.  Among other things, the tour will include a 250-year-old church whose foundation almost was undermined during an addition project, an account of how the habits of certain indigenous peoples affected preservation of their artifacts (and how that has affected foundations on many sites), a tour of a contested demolition site, and an overview of flood damage, scour, and other elements characteristic of a river environment.

This walking tour is provided by the G-I Outreach and Engagement Council. No sign-up necessary, just meet at the main convention center entrance.

CEC and AGP 2025 Board-Certified Geotechnical Engineer Induction Ceremony & Meet and Greet
Come and join us for this special event to help celebrate the latest group of board-certified geotechnical engineers and learn how you can get board certified. To RSVP for the event, please contact CEC at

Happy Hour presented by the Outreach and Engagement Committee and GI Louisville Chapter
Join the fun at The Sports & Social Club, 4th Street Live

How the Geology of Kentucky was Instrumental in the Rise of the Bourbon Whiskey Industry

John B. Hickman, Kentucky Geological Survey

Successful industries often rely on the local availability of natural resources and technical expertise of the workforce.  In this presentation, the history of bourbon whiskey production will be discussed in terms of the local geology, the region’s hydrology/water resources, and society that led to the modern bourbon industry.

Advancing Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Across Heterogeneous Regions with Deep Learning-Based Domain Adaptation
Te Pei, Ryan Goldberg, Fred Moshary and Yingli Tian, The City University of New York (City College)

A New Search Algorithm for 3D LEM Analysis
Cristian Salvalaggio, Terence Ma, Sina Javankhoshdel, Brent Corkum and Thamer Yacoub, Rocscience Inc.

Effect of Database Size and Composition on Machine Learning Model Development to Estimate Shear Wave Velocity
Longde Jin and Andrew Fuggle, WSP; Haley Roberts, Georgetown University

Large Language Model for geotechnical engineering applications using Retrieval Augmented Generation
Seok Hyeon Chai, Ivan Chen, Jason Huang and Thamer Yacoub, Rocscience

Performance of ANN in Predicting Calibration Factors for Density-Based Pore Pressure Model
Peter Rey Dinoy, Hyeong-Joo Kim, Hyeong-Soo Kim, Tae-Woong Park, James Vincent Reyes, Voltaire Anthony Corsino, Jr. and Tae-Eon Kim, Kunsan National University

A New Methodology for Earthquake Ground Motion Spatial Correlation
Pengfei Wang and Busra Bocekli, Old Dominion University

Applying the Energy-Based Liquefaction Framework on a Well-graded Gravelly Soil
Satuk B. Sari and Adda Athanasopoulos-Zekkos, University of California, Berkeley

Assessing Numerical Simulations of Liquefiable Geosystems Using Time History-Based Validation Metrics
Maziar Mivehchi and Katerina Ziotopoulou, University of California, Davis

Comparison of Static and Dynamic Compressibility of Poorly Graded Gravel in Centrifuge Modeling Tests
Nampol Chaowalittrakul and Inthuorn Sasanakul, University of South Carolina

Seismic Behavior of Localized Liquefied Sand in Three Subsequent Weak Events
Roohollah Farzalizadeh, Southern Illinois University Carbondale; Abdolreza Osouli, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville; Prabir Kolay, Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Selection of Input Motions for a Series of Large-Scale Bidirectional Shake Table Tests based on Nonlinear Site Response Analysis
Satish Manandhar and Ramin Motamed, University of Nevada, Reno

Investigating the Impact of Cold Weather Aging and Temperature on Tensile Strength of Geomembranes
Bret N. Lingwall, Isaac Nedved and Calvin Tohm, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology

3D DEM Evaluation of Aggregate Shear Bands and Geogrid Deformations in Pullout Tests
Yafei Jia, Wuhan University | University of Texas at Austin; Jorge G. Zornberg, University of Texas at Austin; Yewei Zheng, Wuhan University

A Comparative Study on Effectiveness of Geogrid and Geotextile Reinforcement in Expansive Subgrades of Flexible Pavements
Sundaram Srivastava and Umashankar Balunaini, Indian Institute of Technology

Influence of Paving Interlayer Material on Performance of Full-scale Asphalt Overlays
Vinay Kumar, Huesker Inc.; Gholam Hossein Roodi, HDR; Jorge G. Zornberg, The University of Texas at Austin

Numerical Study of Next Generation Geogrids Inspired by Spider-Webs
Candas Oner and David J. Frost, Georgia Institute of Technology

Performance Evaluation of Unpaved Roads Stabilized with Composite Geosynthetic Made of Recycled Plastic Geogrid and Nonwoven Geotextile
Araz Hasheminezhad, Halil Ceylan and Sunghwan Kim, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, Program for Sustainable Pavement Engineering & Research (PROSPER), Iowa State University; Erol Tutumluer, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Cementing Soils via Electrodeposition
Alessandro F. Rotta Loria, Andony Landivar Macias and Yeong-Man Kwon, Northwestern University

Evaluation of Climate Resiliency of Highway Embankment Using Lidar and Electrical Resistivity Imaging
Fariha Rahman, A. Q. M. Zohuruzzaman, Sadik Khan and Tyra-Nicole Whyte, Jackson State University

Evolving Road Resilience in Cold Climates: A Comprehensive Review and Cost Comparison
Mohammad Wasif Naqvi, Md Fyaz Sadiq and Bora Cetin, Michigan State University; John Daniels, University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Hysteresis Model of Permafrost Thermal State Variation with Air Temperature in Utqiaġvik, Alaska Based on Distributed Temperature Sensing
Xiaohang Ji and Ming Xiao, Pennsylvania State University; Eileen R. Martin, Colorado School of Mines

Numerical Modeling of Pavements on Expansive Soil in Extreme Climates
Ekansh Agarwal, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi; Xiong Zhang, Missouri University of Science and Technology; Ning Luo, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi

Tangential Heave Stress on Solar Piles in Cold Regions
Hossein Emami Ahari and Beena Ajmera, Iowa State University; Rohit Pant, Chang Huang and Yuqing Liu, RRC Power & Energy Companies

The landscape of geotechnical data management is changing rapidly. This panel discussion will provide a variety of perspectives on the subject of geotechnical data management with information on the why the change is happening, benefits to organizations of adopting a digital workflow, and how organizations can find the resources they need to implement these changes. Participants will come away from this session with increased knowledge of how others in the industry are working with geotechnical data, the benefits of a digital workflow, and how to leverage available tools and create an improved workflow for more efficient and cost effective project delivery.
Khalid Alshibli – University of Tennessee
Giuseppe Buscarnera – Northwestern University
Olivia Meng – Purdue University
Catherine O’ Sullivan – Imperial College

Session Organizers:
Marika Santagata (Purdue University)
Tejas Murthy (II Sc Bangalore)
Michelle Barry (University of Arkansas)

It is recognized by FHWA that the benefits of good pavement foundations are not fully considered in pavement design today because of lack of clarity in the understanding of the benefits and difficulties in quantifying the benefits.  One of FHWA strategies to address pavement longevity is to improve the performance of the pavement foundation.  The principal role of pavement foundation is ensuring that adequate and uniform support is provided for the pavement structure throughout the life of the pavement.  Inadequate foundation designs accelerates pavement deterioration over time leading to pavement distresses generating costly repairs.  This session will be an opportunity to discuss geotechnically related causes of pavement distress, methods to improve pavement foundation design, and the impact of pavement foundations on performance.

The Career Fair is open to all students attending Geotechnical Frontiers 2025, including undergraduate and graduate students. Students are welcome to attend any time between 1 pm and 5 pm, bring their resumes, and connect with participating companies.

Assessing Geotechnical Variability in Geological Formations: Insights from In Situ CPT Data Analysis in Illinois
Jiangting Liu and Scott Michael Olson, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Jason F. Thomason and Andrew C. Anderson, Illinois State Geological Survey

Assessment of Spatial Variability of Ground-Motion Site Resonances for the Jackson Purchase Region in the New Madrid Seismic Zone
Yichuan Zhu, Temple University; Seth Carpenter, University of Kentucky; Alex C. Miller, Temple University; Hui Wang, University of Dayton; Zhenming Wang, University of Kentucky

Piezocone Screening Approach for Regular, Organic, and Sensitive Soft Clays
Paul W. Mayne, Georgia Institute of Technology; Ethan Cargill, ConeTec Group Richmond; Jim Greig, ConeTec Group Vancouver

Relating Beach Groundwater-Surface Water Dynamics to In-situ Strength from Dynamic Penetrometers
Nina Stark and Stephen Adusei, University of Florida; Jonathan Hubler, Mohamad El Ahmad and Thomas Mayer, Villanova University; Tian-Jian Hsu and Jiaye Zhang, University of Delaware

Soil Moisture Estimates from Remote Sensing, In-Situ Testing, and Laboratory Testing at an Active Landslide
Treves Li and Parker Blunts, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of California Berkeley; Drew           Gomberg, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of California Berkeley | The Aerospace Corporation; Dimitrios Zekkos, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of California Berkeley

Unit Weights of Glacial Soils by CPTu
Cassandra L. Champagne, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Erron J. Peuse, Michigan Department of Transportation; Roman D. Hryciw and Fernando Estefan Thibodeaux Garcia, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Assessment of External Stability of Waterfront Reinforced Soil Wall Under the Influence of Seismic and Wave Loading
Rahul Verma and Kaustav Chatterjee, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Effect of Ground Improvement Construction Process on the Performance of Braced Excavations
Yuepeng Dong, Technical University of Denmark

Influence of Gravity Forces on Building Response Adjacent to Excavations in Cohesive Soils
Felipe Uribe-Henao, Geosyntec Consultants; Luis G. Arboleda-Monsalve and Kevin Mackie, University of Central Florida

Installation Observations of Geosynthetic and Steel Reinforced Segmental Concrete Panel MSE Walls: Lessons Learned
Robert  C. Johnson, Jr., Submatrix, LLC; Robert Lozano, The Reinforced Earth Company; Robert A. Gladstone, Association for Mechanically Stabilized Earth

Numerical Modeling of Contributing Factors to Rainfall-Induced Slope Failure: New Jersey Case Study
Prabhakar Khadka and Oladoyin Kolawole, New Jersey Institute of Technology

Seismic Stability Analysis of Gravity Walls Considering Tension Cracks
Siddalingeshwara DH and Kaustav Chatterjee, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Cellulose Nanocrystal Modified Bitumen Pavement Materials
Isaac L. Howard and Amanda Hufft, Mississippi State University; Gregory T. Schueneman, USDA, US Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory

Cyclic Loading Type Effect on Performance of Base Aggregates with 12% Fines under High Stress Ratio
Nirajan Khanal, Geosyntec Consultants; Abdolreza Osouli, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville; Gokul Khatri, Stantec; Ashish Aryal, WSP

Evaluating the Resilient Performance of Unpaved Road Materials Under Freeze-Thaw Effects
Celso M N Santos, Umar Farooq and Bora Cetin, Virginia Department of Transportation; Jeramy Ashlock, Mahsa Belalzade and Kanika Lamba, Iowa State University

Structural Evaluation of Substandard Asphalt Pavements with Falling Weight Deflectometer Data
Jeremiah Stache, Victor M. Garcia Jr., Jeremy Robinson and Brendon Quon, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center

Use of Laser-based Method for Measuring Small-Strain in Geomaterials Under Repetitive Loads in Triaxial Environment
Sopharith Chou and Kyle Parr, Texas A&M University; Nripojyoti Biswas, Texas A&M University | University of Massachusetts at Lowell; Anand J. Puppala, Texas A&M University

Validation of Custom-Built Accelerometers for Monitoring the Process of Soil Compaction
William J. Baker III, Siamak Yoosefi, Mohammadreza Jebeli and Christopher L. Meehan, University of Delaware

Does Anammox Enhance the Sustainability of Ureolytic MICP? An LCA Comparison of Effluent Treatments
Hannah F. Hiscott, Leah M. Weaver, Tarek Aziz and Brina M. Montoya, North Carolina State University

Effects of Gradation on Resilient Modulus and California Bearing Ratio Values for Recycled and Quarried Aggregates
Mahsa Belalzadeh and Jeramy C. Ashlock, Iowa State University; Umar Farooq, Celso Santos and Bora Cetin, Michigan State University; Kanika H. Lamba, Iowa State University

Engineering Characteristics and Sustainable Utilisation of Mine Tailings as Cemented Paste Backfill – A Critical Review
Liet Dang, KCB Australia; Thien Tran, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Tan Manh Do, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology

Enhancing Infrastructure Resilience through Shallow Geothermal Energy: A Novel Approach to Mitigate Extreme Weather Impact on Existing Bridges
Amin Mohammadzadeh, Omid Ghasemi-Fare and Zhihui Sun, University of Louisville

Resilient Railways Using Energy-absorbing Rubber Elements in Track Substructure
Buddhima Indraratna, Transport Research Centre, Trung Ngo, Yujie Qi, Suwan Hettiyahandi and Cholachat Rujikiatkamjorn, Transport Research Centre, University of Technology Sydney

Sustainable MSE Wall Design Using Multi-Objective Optimization
Mina Lee, University of Windsor; Dipanjan Basu, University of Waterloo

Benefits of Incorporating Calcium in Biopolymer-Stabilized Expansive Soil
Avishek Ghosh, Rabindra Bohara and Aritra Banerjee, South Dakota State University

Bio-Inspired Dual-Auger Vertical Self-Burrowing Robot: DEM-MBD Analysis of Downward Penetration in Granular Media
Sarina Shahhosseini and Junliang Tao, Arizona State University

Enhancement in the Water-Holding Capacity of Soils in the Central High Plains through Biochar Amendment
Anup Lamichhane and Seunghee Kim, University of Nebraska Lincoln

Enhancing Sandy Soil Erosion Resistance with Biopolymer Treatments
Anish Lamsal, Mohammadhasan Sasar and Sherif Abdelaziz, Virginia Tech

Hydraulic Conductivity of a Sand Cemented with Enzyme Induced Carbonate Precipitation
Paola Bandini, Noah A. Madrigal and Emilia Marmolejo, New Mexico State University

Preliminary Modeling of Microbial-Induced Calcite Precipitation Injection using Mangrove-Inspired Skirt Piles
Xiwei Li and Junliang Tao, Arizona State University; Leon Van Paassen , Boskalis

Challenges Associated with the Management of Landfilled Mined Residues: Treatment v/s Containment
Mohit Somani, IIT Bhubaneswar

Long Term Settlement, Lateral Deformation and Stress Behavior of a Soil-Bentonite Slurry Wall
Jeffrey C Evans, Bucknell University; Landon Barlow, Haley and Aldrich; Daniel Ruffing, Geo-Solutions, Inc.; Nathan Coughener Geo-Solutions, Inc.

Real-time Management of Public Fill in Hong Kong Using Information and Communications Technology
Albert T. Yeung, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University; P.L. Ng Vilnius Gediminas Technical University

Suitability of Ureolytic Microbe in Limiting Desiccation-Induced Volumetric Shrinkage Strain of Lateritic Soil for Waste Containment Purpose
Roland Kufre Kufre Etim, Akwa Ibom State University, Ikot Akpaden; Kolawole Juwonlo Osinubi, Adrian Oshioname Eberemu, and Thomas Stephen Ijimdiya, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

Use of TDR for Detection of Fluid Hydrocarbon in the Geoenvironment
Chih-Ping Lin, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University; Yin Jeh Ngui, British Geological Survey; Yi-Pei Chan and Albert T. Yeung, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Hydrophobicity Inducement on Laboratory Soil Specimens to Study Wildfire Impacts on Infiltration, Revegetation, and Erosion
Arvin Farid, Boise State University

Consequence-based Selection of Design Seismic Event for Landfills – An Approach Based on Canadian Dam Association Guidelines
Alan Chou, BGC Engineering

Fungal-mycelium Biocover: A Novel Biogeotechnology for Improving Soil Resistance to Water and Wind Erosion
Emmanuel Salifu, Arizona State University; Taylor Tuckett, Arizona State University; Xi Yu, Arizona State University

Impact of Manufacturing Method on the Hydraulic Performance of Polymer-Enhanced Calcium Bentonite Slurries – Preliminary Analysis
Shan Tong, Yu-Chao Li and Jun-Yi Liu, Zhejiang University

Machine Learning Enabled Assessment of Sinkhole Collapse Susceptibility within the Silver Springs Recharge basin
Ryan M Shamet and Sylvia Pesha, University of North Florida; Siddharth Parida, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University; Scott Kirts, Florida Department of Transportation

Safeguarding Tailings Dams from Space using L-band SAR Soil Moisture Analysis
James Perry, ASTERRA

Coupled PFAS Transport and Seepage Models to Evaluate Retardation due to Air-water-interface Adsorption
Md Khorshed Alam, Boise State University

Greenhouse Gas Impacts of Harvesting Coal Ash for Cement Replacement in Concrete
Sabrina L. Bradshaw, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Hydration and Cation Exchange Behavior of Two Geosynthetic Clay Liners at an Elevated Temperature
Kendra E. Fuller, WSP

Hydraulic Conductivity Testing of Geosynthetic Clay Liners without Back Pressure Saturation
Joseph Scalia, Colorado State University

 Effect of Bentonite Granule Size Distribution on Hydraulic Conductivity of Laboratory Prepared Geosynthetic Clay Liners (GCLs)
Calvert S. Barclay, Jacobs Engineering Group

The Evaluation of Leakage Rate and Mass Transport of Florida Double Liner System
Tarek Abichou, Florida A&M University – Florida State University

The landscape of geotechnical data management is changing rapidly. This panel discussion will provide a variety of perspectives on the subject of geotechnical data management with information on the why the change is happening, benefits to organizations of adopting a digital workflow, and how organizations can find the resources they need to implement these changes. Participants will come away from this session with increased knowledge of how others in the industry are working with geotechnical data, the benefits of a digital workflow, and how to leverage available tools and create an improved workflow for more efficient and cost effective project delivery.

The FHWA collaborates with state department’s of transportation nationally in holding five annual regional geotechnical workshops (NE, SE, MW, NW, SW).  These workshops have provided a venue for state agencies to share technology and present information on local practice for states in the region and local practitioners. The conferences and workshops have been an ideal environment for facilitating this exchange of information, and have been key to enhancement of the state of practice.  For approximately 50 years, the visibility of the conferences and workshops has grown, and information on State Department of Transportation (DOT) projects is now of greater interest to national and international audiences.  To address this interest, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) National Geotechnical Team established the Khamis Haramy award for State Department of Transportation and Federal Lands to deliver presentations at the annual Geo-Institute Geo-Congress, Geotechnical Frontiers in 2025.  Join us for these presentations which highlights state DOT practice.

Introduction from Sam Allen on behalf of IGS Sustainability Committee in cooperation with the European Association of Geosynthetic product Manufacturers (EAGM) and the Geosynthetics Materials Association (GMA)

Measuring and comparing the sustainability of different geotechnical solutions is not trivial and requires the assessment of several aspects. According to the European committee for standardization (CTE), sustainability must include the evaluation of environmental, economic, and social aspects. Furthermore, functionality and resilience considerations should be included with or within sustainability assessments, as to provide a proper, future-proof, evaluation.

Regarding the environmental aspects, the most prevalent methodology to quantify impact is the use of the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology. LCAs provide several environmental impact indicators based on the materials and processes involved in a geotechnical (or any other field) solution.

The focus of the session will be to provide, first, an overview of sustainability requirements and calculation methodologies, and second, a base understanding of life cycle assessments methods, including a staged demonstrations of the calculation process using a commercially available software. Scenarios will include road stabilization, landfill drainage construction, and retaining wall solutions alternatives.

3-D Numerical Analysis of the Seismic Response of a Clay-core Rockfill Dam under Drought
Hossein Bahmyari, Twining Inc.; Mohsen Ajdari, MC Squared LLC; Mohammad Parang, Researcher

A Numerical Study on the Effectiveness of Driven Sheet Piles as Barriers to Reduce Settlement in Preexisting Structures Due to Adjacent Loading
Sukrityranjan Samanta, Alba Yerro and Reihaneh Hosseini, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Advanced Spectroscopic Analysis Technique for the Development of Aging Index Chart for Asphalt Binder
Adnan Sadiq, Saad Ullah and Debanjana Ghosh, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Coupled Effect of Ground Granulated Blast Slag and Bagasse Fibers to Enhance the Compressive Strength and Durability Characteristics
Mohammad Nuruddin and Arif Ali Baig Moghal, National Institute of Technology Warangal; Romana Mariyam Rasheed, TKM College of Engineering; Ghatta Geetha Krishna Sravya, Ravuri Balaramakrishna and Yebushi Vyshnavi, National Institute of Technology Warangal

Development of Novel DFOS-embedded Ground Anchor for Resilient Design and Construction
Maksymilian Jasiak, Shih-Hung Chiu, Chien-Chih Wang and Kenichi Soga, University of California; Wonjun Cha, University of Birmingham; Deh-Jeng Jang, Jinho Park and Seungwoon Han, California Department of Transportation; Keegan Arnt, Drill Tech Drilling & Shoring, Inc.; Bernhard Froemel, DYWIDAG

Effects of Pollutants on Soil Shear Strength Parameters and Slope Stability
Seyed Ahmad Osia and Daniel R. VandenBerge, Tennessee Technological University

Evaluation of Engineering Properties of Portland Limestone Cement-Based Systems and Their Application for Underground Infrastructure
Md Maruf Hasan, Felix Oppong, Matthew P. Adams and Oladoyin Kolawole, New Jersey Institute of Technology

Initial Approach to Develop Balanced Mix Design Method in New Mexico
Md Saddam Hossain, Md Mehedi Hasan, B S Pushpendue Biswas, Muhammad Tasnim Alam and Rafiqul Tarefder, University of New Mexico

In-situ Stiffness Evaluation of Full-depth Reclaimed Asphalt Pavements with Portable Field Tests
Victor M. Garcia Jr., Margarita Ordaz and Jeremy Robinson, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center

Investigating the Effect of Wall Friction on the Tunnel Testing Results
Thuyet N. Nguyen, Vietnam Institute for Building Science and Technology; Jiro Kuwano, Saitama University; Thang Pham, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley; Yota Togashi, Saitama University

Laboratory Investigations on Infrared Thermography-Based Seepage Detection in Earthen Dams
Vaishnavi Bherde and Umashankar Balunaini, Indian Institute of Technology

Numerical Study of the Effect of Rainfall on the Stability of an Unsaturated Clay Slope
Rupsa Roy and Beena Ajmera, Iowa State University; Binod Tiwari, California State University, Fullerton

Pelican Creek Bridge Replacement Project, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming
Evan Garich, FHWA; Brian Collins, BGC Engineering

Performance of Lightweight Aggregate Backfilled Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil (GRS) Piers Under Axial Load
Scott Wasman, Florida State University; Christian Matemu, University of Florida; Joshua Vincent, Florida State University; Larry Jones, Florida Department of Transportation

Probabilistic Modeling of Earthen Levees Considering Variability in Flood Hydrographs and Hydraulic Properties of Unsaturated Soils
Julio Copana, Tufts University; Meraj Sohrabi, The University of Alabama; Farshid Vahedifard, Tufts University; Hamed Moftakhari, The University of Alabama

Seasonal Moisture Dynamics in Northeast Subgrade Soils: Insights from Central New York Instrumentation
Asif Ahmed, SUNY Polytechnic Institute; Md Azijul Islam, University of Texas at Arlington; Md Jobair Bin Alam, Prairie View A&M University; Sathvika Katikaneni, SUNY Polytechnic Institute

Site-Specific Seismic Coefficients for Slopes and Earthquake-Induced Deformations
Mahmood Seid-Karbasi, WSP

Soil Arching Efficiencies in Load Transform Platforms of Column Supported Embankments
James A. McKelvey III, Earth Engineering Incorporated; Miguel A. Pando, Drexel University; Mailei Schechterly, Lehigh University

Soil Behavior and Modeling of Soft Soil Subgrades Under Cyclic Rail Loading
Buddhima Indraratna, Bin-Hua Xu and Cholachat Rujikiatkamjorn, University of Technology Sydney

Steel Slag Utilization in Levee Drainage Trenches for Climate Resilience
Joseph W. Schulenberg, Jagadeesh Kumar Janga and Krishna R. Reddy, University of Illinois Chicago

Use of Shear Wave Velocity to Evaluate Curing of Cement-Stabilized Carbonate Quarry By-Products at Different Temperatures
Taeyun Kong, Chirayu Kothari, Youngdae Kim, Issam I.A. Qamhia, Erol Tutumluer and Nishant Garg, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

A Practical Guide to Estimating Input Parameters for Thermal Integrity Profiling Method
Saeed Mahjoubi, Cheng Lin and Min Sun, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Victoria

Applicability of Pile Driving Analyzer on Pile Seating on Rock
Tanvir Ahmed, Soonkie Nam and Xiaoming Yang, Georgia Southern University

Behavior and Capacity of Drilled Shafts in Sand Subjected to Lateral and Torsional Loading
Miguel A. Pando and Matias Frediani, Drexel University

Design and Construction of Large Diameter Drilled Shafts in Karst – A Case History
Elizabeth Fazzi Smith, Terracon Consultants, Inc.

Develop Machine Learning Models to Generate the Load-Settlement Curves of Piles from Cone Penetration Test Data
Murad Abu-Farsakh and Mohammad Moontakim Shoaib, Louisiana State University

Effect of OCR on Torsional Capacity of Single Pile and Pile Groups
Jayvardhan Kumar and Nihar Ranjan Patra, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Effect of Piles Position on the Behavior of Model Rafts with Disconnected Settlement Reducing Piles in Sand
Ranadheer Sagi and Nihar Ranjan Patra, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Environmental Design Considerations Using an Equivalency Index Between Granular Drainage and Geosynthetic Alternatives
Hajer Bannour and David Beaumier, CTT Group; Stéphane Fourmont, Afitex-Texel

Evolution in Geosynthetics Starts with Utilizing Technology
Gregory Pignataro and Evan Bao, GeoCAAB

Experimental Study of Silica Sand Crushing Around Axially Loaded Model Piles
Daniel G. Fridman, Purdue University; Ruben D. Tovar-Valencia, Fugro USA Land; Ayda C. Galvis-Castro, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute; Monica Prezzi and Rodrigo Salgado, Purdue University

Friction Piles Ultimate Capacity Using the Allowable Deformation Criteria
Evelio N. Horta, Ardaman and Associates Inc.

Influence of Anchor Type on Finite Element Modeling of a Tieback Bulkhead Wall
Yue Xu and WenJun Dong, COWI North America, Inc.

Influence of Foundation Soil on Seismic Performance of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Walls
Sahil Wani, Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Long-Term Performance Monitoring of Recycled Plastic Pins for Settlement Control in MSE Wall Bases
Faria Fahim Badhon, The University of Texas at Arlington; Md Azijul Islam, The University of Texas at Arlington | Bangladesh University of Engineering and Engineering and Technology; Sehneela Sara Aurpa, Schnabel Engineering; Md. Sahadat Hossain, The University of Texas at Arlington

Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls with a Horizontal Obstruction
Md Asad Ahmad and Antonio Bobet, Purdue University

Method to Estimate the Maximum Settlement of a Cluster of Spread Footings Foundation
Erick Christian V. Cruz, Schnabel Engineering; Jean-Louis Briaud, Texas A&M University; Mostafa Bahmani, Weaver Consultants Group

Numerical Study on the Influence of Confining Wall Friction on a Full-Scale MSE Wall Laboratory Experiment
Chukwuma Charles Okafor and J. Brian Anderson, Auburn University

Optimal Design of a Deeply Embedded Ring Anchor System in Sand
Junho Lee, Deep Anchor Solutions Inc.; Charles P. Aubeny, Texas A&M University

Advanced Instrumented Plate to Study the Effect of Biopolymers on Soil Cracking Upon Drying
Leela Krishna Mohan Radarapu, Texas A&M University; Zachary Nick, Samantha Lucker and Lucas Walshire, Engineer Research and Development Center; Marcelo Sanchez, Texas A&M University

Analytical Solutions for Radial Large-Strain Consolidation Considering Time-Dependent Discharge Capacity
Khrawboklang Kharsyiemiong, Vishwas A. Sawant and Satyendra Mittal, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Assessing Rock Slope Stability under Dynamic Loading: A Case Study of North Sikkim, India
Amalesh Jana, Montana State University; Mithresh K. Pushpan, Arcadis; Arindam Dey and Sreedeep S., Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Assessing Temporal Variations in Dynamic Cone Penetration and Shear Wave Velocity on a Sandy Beach
Mohamad El Ahmad, Thomas Mayer and Jonathan Hubler, Villanova University; Nina Stark, University of Florida; Tian-Jian Hsu, University of Delaware

Assessing the Effects of Receiver Configuration on Sinkhole Characterization Using Full Waveform Inversion: A Comparative Numerical Study
Pourya Alidoust, HNTB; Joseph Coe, San Jose State University

Assessing the Undrained Shear Strength of Saline Pierre Shale
Uddav Ghimire and Tejo V. Bheemasetti, University of Arizona

Characterization of Mechanical Properties of Shale via Nanoindentation Scratch Test
Fereshteh Rahmani and Wilson Espinoza, Texas State University

Comparative Particle Analysis of Glauconite and Ottawa Sands Through X-Ray Micro-Computed Tomography
S M Shazeebur Rahman and Ryan Drake Beemer, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Matthew J. Cabral, University of Rhode Island

Determination of In-Situ Rock Density and Elastic Moduli With SH-Love Wave Tomography
Khiem Tran, Ruoyu Chen and Michael McVay, University of Florida

Development of a Soil-Specific Calibration Model to Estimate Moisture Content Using Multi-Gene Genetic Programming for a Hybrid Nuclear-Electric Density Gauge
William J. Baker III and Christopher L. Meehan, University of Delaware

Difference of Hammer Hanging Mechanisms on Standard Penetration Test Energy Transfer Ratio (ETR)
Tyler Southam, Shahrooz Rashidi and Nick Ekman, Tetra Tech Canada

Effect of Hydrate Morphology on Geomechanical Behavior of Gas Hydrate Sediments
Mahima S. Rao, Sahil Wani and Ramesh Kannan Kandasami, Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Effect of Pore Water Salinity on the Residual Strength of Kaolinite
Mohammadreza Jebeli, Siamak Yoosefi, William J. Baker III and Christopher L. Meehan, University of Delaware

Effects of Curing Environment and Temperature on Properties of Cement Stabilized Soil with Coal-Derived Char
Hua Yu, Priyanka Joshi, Chooi Kim Lau and Kam Ng, University of Wyoming

Effects of Water Absorption Capacity of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Modifiers for the Treatment of Surplus Soil
Alula Araya Kassa and Kimitoshi Hayano, Yokohama National University

Enhancing Geotechnical Monitoring and Asset Management through IoT-Enabled Sensor Integration
A Q M Zohuruzzaman, Mahdi Zulfikar and Sadik Khan, Jackson State University; Thomas J. Beasley and Abby Cisko, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)

Experimental Study of the Impact of Porosity on Bio-Induced Cementation in Clay-rich and Dolomite-rich Rocks Using MICP
Oladoyin Kolawole and Mary C. Ngoma, New Jersey Institute of Technology

Hybrid Machine Learning for Enhanced CPT Sounding Predictions at Unsampled Locations
Laith Sadik, Sara Khoshnevisan and Lei Wang, University of Cincinnati

Influence of Particle Morphology on Angle of Repose Derived from Hopper Flow Tests using 3D DEM Simulations
Sai Sandeep Chitta, Michigan Technological University; Ruimin Feng, Jesus Javier Serrano Espinoza and Michelle Lee Barry, University of Arkansas; T. Matthew Evans, Oregon State University

Investigating Seepage through Earthen Dams using Electrical Resistivity Tomography: Case Studies from Hindsville Lake Dam and Elmdale Lake Dam, Arkansas
Mohammadyar Rahimi , Clinton M. Wood and Kevin M. Befus, University of Arkansas

Investigation of Soil Parameters Influencing Collapsibility of Loess through Grey Relational Analysis
Sahand Motameni, The University of Arizona; Fateme Rostami and Abbas Soroush, Amirkabir University of Technology; Mahsa Eslami, New York University

Laboratory Durability Evaluation of Sandy Soil Stabilized with Synthetic Polymer
Anand Jagadeesh Puppala, Texas A&M University; Prince Kumar, Terracon Consultants Inc.; Surya Sarat Chandra Congress, Michigan State University; Jeb S. Tingle, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center

Laboratory Experiments of Water Evaporation from High Plasticity Soil to investigate Cracking Behavior
Md Jobair Bin Alam, Prairie View A&M University; Naima Rahman, SCS Engineers; Aaliyha Fuller, Prairie View A&M University

Monotonic Behavior of Improved Soft Sediment under Direct Simple Shear Loading
Mahdi Talebi, Tyler J. Oathes, Robert Miskewitz, Kaleb M. Arnold and Eva Pharande, Rutgers University

Partially Drained Responses of Dense Sand under Monotonic Simple Shear
Wing Shun (Welson) Kwan, Cesar Leal, Elizabeth Nunez and Brandon De Jesus, California State University, Los Angeles

Simulation of Cpt Points and Empirical Settlement Using Simulated Cpt Points with Non-lattice Sparse Baysian Approach
Anthony Mak, Seok hyeon Chai, Sina Javankhoshdel and Thamer Yacoub, Rocscience; Jianye Ching, National Taiwan University

Slurry Yield Stress: Rheometer vs. Flow Test
Nuzhath Fatema, Geosyntec Consultants; Shobha K. Bhatia, Syracuse University; Angel M. Palomino, University of Tennessee

Soil Suction Dynamics in Vegetated Soil: From Deterministic to Probabilistic Analysis Using Electrical Resistivity
Md Jobair Bin Alam, Prairie View A&M University; Asif Ahmed, SUNY Polytechnic Institute; Naima Rahman, SCS Engineers

Stabilization of Expansive Soil Using a New Hydrophobic Chemical Stabilizing Agent
Gang Lei, Suman Shrestha, Armin Afrasiabian, Xinbao Yu and Laureano Hoyos, The University of Texas at Arlington

Stabilization of Sandy Soil Using Synthetic Polymers with Opposite Charges
Jianxin Huang, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station; Sopharith Chou, Texas A&M University; Vinay Krishnan, Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station; Anand J. Puppala, Texas A&M University

Static and Cyclic Behaviour of Phosphogypsum-stabilized Expansive Soil
Shubham Singh and Nihar Ranjan Patra, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Yielding Surfaces of Central Florida Sands and Silty Sands
Sergio A. Marin Savatier and Luis G. Arboleda-Monsalve, Dept. of Civil, Environmental, and Construction Engineering, University of Central Florida

Unsaturated Soil Mechanics at the Frontiers of Geotechnical Engineering
John S. McCartney, University of California, San Diego

Join your colleagues on Monday night at the iconic Slugger Museum and Factory for tours, a turn in the batting cage, drinks, appetizers and more.

*Additional Registration required

The awards will be presented in the Plenary Lecture room before the Plenary speaker begins.

From Filters to Tubes: A 30-year exploration of geotextiles
Shobha K Bhatia, Ph.D., Syracuse University

In 1988, Dr. Bhatia attended Dr. Koerner’s short course on geotextiles, igniting her interest in using image processing to characterize geotextile properties and enhance filter performance. Since then, her research has led to the development of several filtration tests to evaluate geotextile performance as a filter for edge drains, landfills, and earth dams. She has also conducted comparisons between the performance of geotextile filters and soil filters, explored different techniques to characterize geotextile pore-size distribution, and devised various tests to assess the performance of geotextile tubes in both laboratory and field settings. These tests have been applied in numerous projects, and her pioneering research on geotextile tubes has been instrumental in both small and large-scale dredging endeavors. Dr. Bhatia’s extensive work has resulted in over sixty-five papers related to geotextile filters and geotextile tubes. Over the past 30 years, she has worked closely and collaborated with manufacturers and consultants, who have provided invaluable support to her research team. This collaboration has bridged the gap between academic research and real-world applications, benefiting her students and the broader engineering community. In her presentation, Dr. Bhatia will share insights from her three-decade journey working with geotextiles and the valuable lessons learned.

Declan Vanderhor, Geotechnical Engineer + TabLogs CEO

In the geotechnical engineering sector, the management of logging data has undergone significant evolution, becoming a crucial aspect in geotechnical
investigations. Join Declan Vanderhor for his presentation that explores how data management is vastly improving, and its significance in various stages of geotechnical projects, from proposal and tender to investigation, pre-feasibility design, site investigation, and reporting.

To fully leverage the potential of data management, it’s essential that data is collected correctly and accurately databased. This presentation provides an informative overview of the key considerations in this process.

Keywords: Borehole logging, Geotechnical data management, Soil analysis.

Behavior of Advanced Densified Wood Pile under Lateral Loading: A Feasibility Study
Hussein Ahmad Alqrinawi, Hai Lin, Shengli Chen and Qinglin Wu, Louisiana State University

A Comprehensive Pile Test Program for an LNG Project in Savannah, Georgia
Guoming Lin and Chao Zheng, Terracon Consultants

Geotechnical Challenges for High-Rise Buildings in Mumbai, India
Tanmoy Das, Ph.D. Research Scholar; Rishav Baishya, Ph.D. (PMRF) Research Scholar; K. Rakesh, Ph.D. Research Scholar; Deepankar Choudhury, Prof. T. Kant Chair Professor (HAG); Haroon Rashid, Ph.D. (PMRF) Research Scholar

Glacial Lake Sediments: A History of Supporting Major New York Structures
Tony D. Canale, Cheryl Moss, Peter Madarasz and Greg Lucking, Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers

Modeling Auger Cast Pile Installation Effects on Group Capacities in Florida Soils
Edgar C. Correa-Prada, Jorge E. Orozco-Herrera, Gyu-Beom Shin, Luis G. Arboleda-Monsalve and Kevin R. Mackie, University of Central Florida; Rodrigo  Herrera, Florida Department of Transportation

Vertical Load Capacity of Recycled Plastic Pin Groups Subjected to Field Load Test
Sehneela Sara Aurpa, Schnabel Engineering; S M Ashik Al Aziz, The University of Texas at Arlington; Md Azijul Islam; The University of Texas at Arlington | Bangladesh University of Engineering and Engineering and Technology; Md. Sahadat Hossain, The University of Texas at Arlington

Experimental Performance Evaluation of Geotechnical Encased Columns
Etienne Gonzalez, The University of Texas at Austin; Abdurrahman Almikati, Texas State University; Jorge Gabriel Zornberg, The University of Texas at Austin

Flexural Behavior of Rigid Inclusions and Implications for Seismic Performance
James R. Gingery and Francisco A. Humire, Keller North America

Groutability Assessment of Liquid Polymer in High Fine Content Soils
Jie Huang, Alejandro Schorsch , Drew Johnson , Jinhu Song, University of Texas at San Antonio; Fei Wang, Mississippi State University; Julian Sanchez, University of Texas at San Antonio

Innovative Vibro-Replacement Technique for the Foundation of a 22-Story Tower in West Palm Beach: A Case Study in Cost-Effective Design and Sustainability
Cyrus Jedari and Dustin J. Walkenhorst, Keller North America, Inc.; Matthew E. Meyer, Langan Engineering and Environmental Services
Micro-Mechanical Analyses to Understand the Durability of Chemically Stabilized Geomaterials Against Moisture-Induced Damage
Samridh Samridh and Sayantan Chakraborty, Birla Institute of Technology and Science; Nripojyoti Biswas, Texas A&M University | University of Massachusetts at Lowell; Anand J. Puppala and Krishneswar Ramineni, Texas A&M University; Aritra Banerjee, South Dakota State University

Polyurethane Grouting for Foundation Re-Use at the Kentucky International Convention Center
Randy Post, WSP USA Inc.; Aaron Rogers, URETEK USA, Inc.

Comparison of Earthen Levee Reliability in the Face of Flooding Hazards
Lei Wang, Liang Zhang and Sara Khoshnevisan, University of Cincinnati

Best Practice for Combining Geophysical Data and Geotechnical Exploration in Karst Geology
Matthew A. Dettman, Arnold Consulting Engineering Services

Design of Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing Monitoring System for Earthquake Resistant Ductile Iron Pipelines Crossing Seismic Fault     Shih-Hung Chiu, Maksymilian Jasiak, Chuao Dong, Gersena Banushi, Kenichi Soga and Michael Riemer, University of California, Berkeley; David Katzev, East Bay Municipal Utility District; Brad Wham, Center for Infrastructure, Energy, and Space Testing, University of Colorado Boulder; Blake Berger, Thornton Tomasetti; Jeff Mason, US Pipe; Thomas O’Rourke, Cornell University

Go/No-Go Drawings for Excavation of Ash Pond
Katherine G. Coco, Joseph Keller, Kirkland Broadwell and Matthew Ksanznak, Haley & Aldrich

USACE Landslide Database: Characterizing, Understanding, and Managing Risks from Unstable Soils and Rock
April L. Fontaine and Daniel Vellone, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Avinash Gonnabathula, TAMU
Md Fyaz Sadiq, Barr
Aria Fathi, GEI
Daniel Schwicht, GeoEngineers
Sara Durr, USACE
Derek Donnelly, USACE

Comprehensive Evaluation of Geogrid Stabilization Effectiveness via Varying Scale Experiments with Bender Element Sensor Technology
Han Wang and Youngdae Kim, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Mingu Kang, University of St. Thomas; Erol Tutumluer, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Heather Shoup, Illinois Department of Transportation

Determining the Shear Bands between GECs and Soft Clays with the Aid of Digital Image Correlation
Abdurrahman Almikati, Texas State University; Etienne Gonzalez and Jorge Gabriel Zornberg, The University of Texas at Austin

Geogrid Stabilization of Railway Ballast Evaluated Using Bender Element Shear Wave Technology
Youngdae Kim, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Mingu Kang, University of St. Thomas; Han Wang, Taeyun Kong and Erol Tutumluer, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Investigating Failure Modes of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil (GRS) Mass
Thuy Vu and Thang Pham, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley; Thuyet Nguyen, Institute for Building and Technology; Andres Palma, Millennium Engineers Group Inc.; Tan Nguyen, Van Tuong Company

Investigation of the Geosynthetic Sliding Failure Mechanism in Geosynthetic Reinforced Slopes and MSE Walls Designed with an Efficient Back Analysis Algorithm
Liam Jacob Sy, Sina Javankhoshdel and Terence Ma, Rocscience Inc.; Carlos M.Rodriguez, HUESKER Inc.; Thamer    Yacoub, Rocscience Inc.

Numerical Modelling of Geosynthetic Reinforced Fills Over Voids
Richard J. Bathurst, GeoEngineering Centre at Queen’s-RMC; Fahimeh Naftchali, WSP

Pressure- and time-dependence of fluid flow in Maquoketa Shale
Roman Y. Makhnenko and Hyunbin Kim, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Upcycling Waste Plastics to Foundation Systems
Hamed Khodadadi Tirkolaei and Masum Shaikh, Arizona State University

Compatibility of Soil-Bentonite Slurry Trench Cutoff Wall Backfill
Jefffrey  C. Evans, Parsons Corporation; Daniel Ruffing, Geo-Solutions

Effect of Clogging of Lcrs on the Slope Stability of Bioreactor Landfills Due to Leachate Recirculation
Lagudu S. Avinash and Anumita Mishra, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Methane Oxidation in Biochar Amended Landfill Cover Soil: Effect of Biochars Produced from Different Feedstocks
Gaurav Verma and Krishna R. Reddy, University of Illinois Chicago

Have you ever wondered how a geotechnical project would have turned out if you or your team had made different decisions? If you had chosen a different path- “The Road Not Taken”? Conducted additional site characterization? Performed different analysis or modeling? Asked for a peer review? Recommended Alternative Delivery? Involved different team members? Join us for this innovative Special Session where our project team shares how they tackled the exact same project three ways and realized three very different outcomes- and then join in a Q&A with our team to explore the realities of “cause and effect” in a panel discussion following the presentation.

The FHWA collaborates with state department’s of transportation nationally in holding five annual regional geotechnical workshops (NE, SE, MW, NW, SW).  These workshops have provided a venue for state agencies to share technology and present information on local practice for states in the region and local practitioners. The conferences and workshops have been an ideal environment for facilitating this exchange of information, and have been key to enhancement of the state of practice.  For approximately 50 years, the visibility of the conferences and workshops has grown, and information on State Department of Transportation (DOT) projects is now of greater interest to national and international audiences.  To address this interest, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) National Geotechnical Team established the Khamis Haramy award for State Department of Transportation and Federal Lands to deliver presentations at the annual Geo-Institute Geo-Congress, Geotechnical Frontiers in 2025.  Join us for these presentations which highlights state DOT practice.

Eng. Diego Marchetti

The presentation is about the Flat Dilatometer and its recent developments, with particular focus on the fully automated dilatometer (Medusa DMT) and seismic module (SDMT) for measuring Vs. Several case history results will be shown, with comparisons of geotechnical parameters in well documented test sites. Users will look into how the DMT is able to accurately estimate the constrained modulus and stress history parameters (ex. OCR and K0) starting from the direct in situ measurement of soil modulus and horizontal stress.

A Comparison of a Modified Schmertmann Model and the UNR Model
Gary Norris and Sherif Elfass, University of Nevada, Reno; Horng-Jyh Yang, West Virginia University Institute of Technology

Evaluation of the Feasibility and Effectiveness of the Impact Hammer Installation of Deeply Embedded Ring Anchor
Song Qin, Texas A&M University; Junho Lee, Deep Anchor Solutions Inc.; Charles P. Aubeny, Texas A&M University

Investigation of Interference Effect of Adjacent Strip Footings on c-ϕ Soil Using the CEL Technique
Ashesh Choudhury, Priyanka Ghosh and Sudib Kumar Mishra, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Methodology to Numerically Predict Pile Driving-Induced Vibrations and Deformations
Berk Turkel, Geosyntec Consultants, Inc.; Jorge E. Orozco-Herrera and Luis G. Arboleda-Monsalve, University of Central Florida

Performance of Alumina Silo Foundation in Difficult Subsurface Conditions
Jose LM Clemente and Emre Biringen, Bechtel Corporation

Atterberg Limits: A Rheological Check of Their True Indication of Clay Consistency
Mohammadhasan Sasar and Sherif L. Abdelaziz, Virginia Tech

A Review of Apparent Yield Stress Behavior in Low Void Ratio Clays
Brendan D. Atarigiya, Seyed Ahmad Osia and Daniel R. VandenBerge, Tennessee Technological University

Analyzing the Performance of Thermally Enhanced Prefabricated Vertical Drainage System Using a THM Model
Amin Mohammadzadeh and Omid Ghasemi-Fare, University of Louisville

Enhancing Liquefaction Susceptibility Assessment: Application of Cyclic Direct Simple Shear Test on Silty Alluviums
Yasser Soltanpour, Erik Newman, Lance Finnefrock and Mathew Francis, AECOM

Exploring the Relationship Between MICP and Soil Microstructural Features— A 2D DEM Study
Marlee Reed, North Carolina State University; David Potyondy, Itasca Consulting Group, Inc.; Brina Montoya, North Carolina State University

Machine Learning Enabled Modeling of C_c and C_r for Florida Soils Using Influential Parameters
Michael Morales, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University; Scott Kirts, Florida Department of Transportation; Siddharth Parida, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University; Ryan Shamet, University of North Florida

A New Probabilistic Based Approach for Rainfall-triggered Landslide Hazard Assessment
Pengfei Wang and Sara Tahajomi Banafshehvaragh, Old Dominion University

An InSAR-Based Remote Sensing Approach for Monitoring Levee Deformation – A Case Study of Lake Tholocco, Alabama
Zahra Ghorbani and Ali Khosravi, Auburn University; Yasser Maghsoudi, University of Exeter; Ethan T. Vroman, GEGB GSL ERDC

Case Histories of Two Recent Slope Failures: Lessons Learned and Future Recommendations
Ayush Kumar, Texas A&M University; Nripojyoti Biswas, Texas A&M University | University of Massachusetts at Lowell; Anand J. Puppala, Texas A&M University

Evaluating Landslide Occurrences in North Dakota – Traditional Interpretation Versus Multivariate Logistic Regression Analysis     
Yuderka Trinidad Gonzalez, Beena Ajmera, Amanda Sampaio and Benjamin Shafer, Iowa State University

Numerical Prediction of Weather-Induced Embankment Failures  
Amr M. Morsy, California State University Long Beach; Peter R. Helm, Newcastle University

Reliability Analysis of Consolidation Settlement of Earthen Embankment Dams
Aseel Y. Ahmed, Andrzej S. Nowak, Bryan P. Kumm and Stephen P. Matychuk, ASCE

Evaluation of an Active Control, Constant Normal Stiffness (CNS) Apparatus for Improved Evaluation of Shaft Friction in Micropiles in the Offshore Environment
Amir Babaee, Christopher D.P. Baxter and Aaron S. Bradshaw, University of Rhode Island

Evaluation of Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction of Offshore Wind Turbines under Realistic Loading Conditions Using Real-Time Hybrid Simulation
Qasim T. Abu-Kassab, Tareq K. Abu Agolah, Muhannad Suleiman, James Ricles and Richard Sause, Lehigh University

Feasibility of Geothermal Energy for Bridge Deicing and Deck Cooling
Grant McNamara, Syed Haider Ali Sherazi, Mohammad Khosravi, Kathryn Plymesser and Pooria Toomani, Montana State University

The Influence of Moisture Content Variations, Vapor and Liquid Water Movement on Effective Thermal Conductivity Near a Geothermal Pile in Unsaturated Soils
Fereydoun Najafian Jazi, Omid Ghasemi-Fare and Thomas Rockaway, University of Louisville

Thermal Response Tests in Frozen Soils: A Comparative Study of Heat Extraction Versus Heat Injection Methods
Mohammad Said Al-Tawaha and Sherif Lotfy Abdelaziz, Virginia Tech

Acoustic Emission Characteristics of Dense Sand in Drained and Undrained Triaxial Compression Tests
Saad Allah Solh, Seyed Morteza Zeinali and Sherif L. Abdelaziz, Virginia Tech

Comparing Acquisition and Pre-inversion Processing Strategies For 2D Full Waveform Inversion of Near-Surface Seismic Data
Sanish Bhochhibhoya and Joseph P. Vantassel, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Integrated Microtremor and GIS Analysis of Wabash Valley Fault Zone for Identifying Noisy Infrastructure: A Case Study
Mostafa Ebrahimi, Southern Illinois University; Masoud Nobahar, Louisiana State University; James A. Conder, Southern Illinois University

Integrating Multi-sensing Technology for Preemptive Detection of Highway Slope Instability
Rakesh Salunke, Rahul Biswas and Sadik Khan, Jackson State University; Ian La Cour, Mississippi Department of Transportation

Non-destructive Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing Considerations
Meghan Quinn and Anna Wagner, Adrian Doran, Constantine Coclin and Katherine Winters, US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center

Regional Data-Driven Modeling of Levee Failure Due to Overtopping
Mohammed Azhar, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tufts University; Farshid Vahedifard, Professor and Louis Berger Chair, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tufts University; Amir AghaKouchak, Chancellor’s Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California

Contaminant Removal by Chitosan-Bentonite, Chitosan-Biochar, and Chitosan-Bentonite-Biochar Composites
Krishna R. Reddy, Banuchandra Nagaraja and Jagadeesh Kumar Janga, University of Illinois Chicago; Saddam Hossain, University of Tennessee Knoxville; Gaurav Verma, University of Illinois Chicago; Angelica Palomino, University of Tennessee Knoxville

Deformation Response of Tire Derived Aggregate During Foundation Loading
John S McCartney and Axel Yarahuaman, University of California San Diego

Modeling the Impact Failure of Frozen Soils Using Peridynamic Theory for In-Situ Resource Utilization in the Arctic
Tugce Baser and Aza-Gnandji Ruben, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Practical and Safe Management of Potential PFAS Contamination for Your Project
Wendy Presler, Kristen Frieburger and Stephen Ellingson, Shannon & Wilson Inc.

Temperature Sensitivity of Three Conductivity Sensors for Measuring the Electrical Conductivity of Soil Pore Fluid
William J. Baker, III, Siamak Yoosefi Sigari, Mohammadreza Jebeli and Christopher L. Meehan, University of Delaware

Application of Construction and Demolition Waste as Geocell Infill
Anita A, Indian Institute of Technology Palakkad

Assessing the Equivalency of the Florida Double Liner System and EPA Composite Liner for Coal Ash Landfills
Leslie Okine, Florida State University; Poyu Zhang University of Central Florida; Tarek Abichou, Florida State University; Jiannan Chen, University of Central Florida

Development of Low-Carbon Building Products Using CO2 Sequestered into Chemically Stabilized Soils
Ashish Bastola, Oregon State University; Atolo Tuinukuafe, Sandia National Laboratories; Pavan Akula, Oregon State University; Jessica Rimsza, Sandia National Laboratories

Laboratory Investigations into Effects of Heating on Clay’s Mechanical and Hydraulic Changes Using Geophysics Methods
Elizabeth Nunez, Wing Shun Kwan and Cesar Leal, California State University, Los Angeles

Soil Water Characteristics Curve (Swcc) Measurement Methods and Challenges of Mine Tailings: Application to Tailings Management
Farzad Daliri, GHD Pty Ltd.

Study of Mechanical Improvement of Hydrogel-Treated Construction and Demolition Fines
Beatrice Magombana, Lin Li and Shihui Liu, Tennessee State University

Surficial and Chemical Characterization of Ash after the 2022 Bolt Creek Fire in the Western U.S.
Mustafa Demir, U of California Los Angeles

Apparatus and technique for measuring the long-term transmissivity of geocomposite drains
Kerry Rowe, Queen’s University

Analysis for Differential Settlement of Landfill Liners in Karst Terrain
Bob Bachus, Geosyntec Consultants

Design and Performance of Waste Containment Liner Systems
Ed Kavazanjian, Arizona State University

Elevated Temperature In Municipal Solid Waste Landfills Cases
Tim Stark, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Practical Implications of Soil-Bentonite Slurry Wall Research
Jeff Evans, Bucknell University

Exploration of Natural and Induced Biological Activity in Weathered and Unweathered Fly Ash
Susan Burns, Georgia Institute of Technology

Seams are often the weakest locations, that determine the watertightness of a geomembrane-lined containment structure. While seam quality criteria have been around for some time, how effective are they at ensuring the quality of seams? Are all geomembrane materials equally easy, or difficult to seam? In the first part of this session, short presentations will be made to: introduce current specifications qualifying seams or assisting in controlling their quality; review field issues affecting the quality of seams; review typical situations leading to seam failure; and expose key findings of current research on the long-term performance of seams. The second part of the session will be dedicated to a discussion panel encouraging questions from the audience and sharing of experience. The goal is to identify consensual positions and potential areas of improvement.


  • Eric Blond (moderator, for ASTM D35.10)
  • IGS TC-Barrier representative
  • Kerry Rowe, Queens University
  • George Koerner, Geosynthetic Institute
  • Eddie Weiser, Leister
  • Dave McLaury, DM Solutions
  • Todd Harman, Hallaton
  • Eric Lamontagne, GE Environmental
  • Edward Zimmel, Zimmel Consulting, LLC

Join us for an engaging, open discussion where panelists will share their personal experiences and insights on navigating the geosynthetics industry. Using leading questions, we’ll explore key topics like career growth, overcoming challenges, and fostering inclusion. There will also be time for networking, allowing attendees to connect, share ideas, and continue the conversation.

Moderator: Maya Innis, Leister
Patricia Zabaleta, Mustang Extreme Environmental Services
Shobha K. Bhatia, Syracuse University
Bethany Searles, Inland Tarp & Liner
Jan Nichols, Layfield
Isabel Perez, Terrafix

The Association for Mechanically Stabilized Earth (AMSE) is bringing together geosynthetics experts for a panel discussion addressing the state of the practice of geosynthetics in geotechnical and Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) design for resilient infrastructure.  Four panelists will make 15-minute presentations about the evolution of geosynthetic materials, about the development and refining of specifications/design guidelines for geosynthetic-reinforced structures, about their durability, long-term performance and use in challenging projects, and about the future of this technology, especially considering the “brain drain” caused by the moving on of pioneers and leaders in the field.  Brief case histories will illustrate speakers’ presentations as appropriate.

Presentation Topics and Panelists:

Evolution of geosynthetic materials, innovations in geosynthetic reinforcement for MSE structures.
Panelist: Jie Han, The University of Kansas

Evolution of AASHTO Bridge Design Specifications & FHWA design guidelines; application and experience utilizing AASHTO and/or FHWA for design of geosynthetic-reinforced MSE structures, use in challenging and unique projects.
Panelist: Barry Christopher, Consultant

Long-term performance of geosynthetics, including durability and creep; use of geosynthetics for challenging and unique projects.
Panelist: George Koerner, Geosynthetic Institute (GSI)

Future of Geosynthetic Reinforcement and MSE structures, including consideration of “brain drain” of legacy researchers, public officials and industry practitioners.
Panelist: Frederick C. Chuck, Geosynthetic Materials Association (GMA)

Moderated Panel Discussion and Q&A with Audience:

Panelists will be able to expand on their presented topics and/or engage with each other.  The moderator will have some questions available to prompt discussion, as well as inviting audience questions which likely will elicit a lively discussion among panelists.

Moderator: Robert C. Johnson, Jr., Submatrix, LLC

Advancing Seawater Intrusion Monitoring through Sensor Fusion and Machine Learning
King-James Egbe and Gabriel Venegas, University of New Hampshire; Yixuan Sun, Argonne National Laboratory; Majid Ghayoomi and Fei Han, University of New Hampshire

Analytical and Numerical Investigations on the Failure Mode of 3D Concrete Printed Gravity Anchor
Yu Lu, Haohua Chen, Ingrid Tomac and John S. McCartney, University of California San Diego

Assessing Correlations Between SAR-based Damage Proxy Maps and Geospatial Variables for Enhanced Earthquake Damage Analysis
Majid Ghayoomi and Ali Farahani, University of New Hampshire

Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification for Predicting Diameter of Jet Grout Column
Rakam Lama Tamang, Yichuwan Zhu and Joesph Coe, Temple University

Comprehensive Analysis of Ground Deformation in Beaumont, Texas: Integrating Ps-Insar, Sbas-Insar, and Geodetector Techniques to Evaluate Impact Factors and Their Interactions
Md Saffiquzzaman Chowdhury, Arip Syaripudin Nur and Yong Je Kim, Lamar University

Deep Learning Image Segmentation to Assess Field Ballast Angularity Index
Kelin Ding, Issam I. A. Qamhia, John M. Hart and Erol Tutumluer, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Evaluating Machine Learning Models for Identifying At-Risk Geo-Infrastructure Assets
Rakesh Salunke and Sadik Khan, Jackson State University; Ian La Cour, Mississippi Department of Transportation

Evaluation of Large Language Models as Geotechnical Virtual Assistant
Raul Velasquez, Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT); Gregory Pignataro, GeoCAAB; Akshay Suresh Babu, Md Fyaz Sadiq, Ceren Aydin and Bernard Izevbekhai, Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT)

Fracturing in Frozen Soil Through a Nonlocal THM Meshfree Paradigm
Xiaoyu Song and Hossein Pashazad, University of Florida

Interpretable Soil Liquefaction Prediction with Genetic Programming Derived Closed-Form Models
Laith Sadik and Sara Khoshnevisan, University of Cincinnati

Investigating the Effect of Cpt in Lateral Spreading Prediction Using Explainable AI
Cheng-His Hsiao, Ellen Rathje and Krishna Kumar, The University of Texas at Austin

Monitoring Sandy Beach Ridge-Runnel Dynamics from Satellite Imagery
Stephen Adusei and Nina Stark, University of Florida, Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure and Environment

Prediction of Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations Using Monotonically Constrained Neural Networks
Te Pei, The City University of New York (City College); Ning Luo, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi

Revisiting the Global Stability Analysis of Column-Supported Embankments
Danilo Botero Lopez and Aaron Gallant, University of Maine; Michael McGuire, Lafayette College

Simulation of Laterally Impacted Piles in Dry Gravel by Adaptive FEM-SPH Method
Tewodros Y. Yosef, Chen Fang, Ronald K. Faller, Seunghee Kim, Robert W. Bielenberg and Cody S. Stolle, Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Midwest Roadside Safety Facility, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

The National Geologic Map Database – Resource for Geoscience Professionals and the Public
David R. Soller, Robert S. Wardwell, Christopher P. Garrity and Nancy R. Stamm, U.S. Geological Survey

Vetiver Influence Zone Detection using Geophysical Methods
Avipriyo Chakraborty, Saimum Hossain, Sadik Khan and Sayedul Kibria, Jackson State University

Wave-Induced Evaluation of Residual Pore Water Pressure around Marine Structures under Anisotropic Geostatic Stress Conditions
Amin Rafiei and Fahim Shahriar Hassan, University of Hawaii at Manoa

A Numerical Validation of a Simplified Solution for Seismic Earth Pressure on a Tall Dry Dock Wall
Zhongze Xu, Emrah Yenier and Brice Exley, Haley & Aldrich, Inc.

An IoT-Based Monitoring System for Detecting Slope Movement
Md Jobair Bin Alam, Luis Salgado Manzano, Rahul Debnath, Ahmed Ahmed and Synia Williams, Prairie View A&M University

Biopolymer Impact on Grassroot Growth and Strength of Surficial Soils
Negin Mousavi, Anish Lamsal, Mohammadhasan Sasar and Sherif Abdelaziz, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Computationally Efficient Simulation of Long-Term Landslide Motion Driven by Rainfall Cycles
Fabio Rollo, Sapienza University of Rome; Giuseppe Buscarnera, Northwestern University

CPT-Based Assessment of Preliminary Soil Classification, Stress History, and Monotonic and Cyclic Strength of Transitional Silts
Susan Ortiz, Oregon Department of Transportation; Armin Stuedlein, Oregon State University

Cyclic and Post-Cyclic Shear Responses of Intact Specimens from Three Alluvial Fine-Grained Soils
Kayla Sorenson, Arash Khosravifar and Diane Moug, Portland State University

Degradation of the Shear Strength Induced by Thawing of Frozen Fine-Grained Soils
Hossein Emami Ahari and Beena Ajmera, Iowa State University

Earthquake Event Subset for Reliability Analysis of the Sacramento / San Joaquin Delta Levee System
Zehan Liu, Earth Mechanics, Inc.; Scott J. Brandenberg and Jonathan P. Stewart, University of California, Los Angeles; Pengfei Wang, Old Dominion University

Effect of Flexibility Ratio on Shallow Circular Tunnels Subjected to Love Waves
Md Asad Ahmad and Antonio Bobet, Purdue University

Effect of Pore Fluid Salinity on Isotropic Compressibility, Vertical Permeability, and Triaxial Stress-Strain Behavior of Kaolinite
Siamak Yoosefi, Mohammadreza Jebeli, William J. Baker III and Christopher L. Meehan, University of Delaware

Effect of Varying Freezing Temperatures on the Dynamic Behavior of Clays
Sherif Abdelaziz, Sepehr Akhtarshenas and Seyed Morteza Zeinali, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Effects of Loading Frequency on Liquefaction Susceptibility of a Natural Sand Using Cyclic Direct Simple Shear Tests
Reza Mohammadi, University of Nevada, Reno; Peiman Zogh, Arup US, Inc.; Ramin Motamed, University of Nevada, Reno

Evaluation of Seismic Slope Displacement Models Using Case History Data
Venkataraman Ramesh and Ellen M. Rathje, University of Texas at Austin

Evaluation of Shear-Modulus Reduction Models for Quaternary Sediment and Fill in South Carolina
Ali Sedaghat, Clemson University | Haley & Aldrich; Ronald Andrus, Andrew Russell, Hosein Golkarfard and Nadarajah Ravichandran, Clemson University; Glenn Rix and Clinton Carlson, Geosyntec Consultants

Experimental Investigation for a Novel Bio-Inspired Scour Countermeasure
Rodolfo Castillo and Stacey E. Kulesza, Texas State University; Landolf Rhode-Barbarigos, University of Miami

Investigating the Effect Size of Earthquake Catalog with Bayesian BEST Estimation: A Case Study in Ethiopia
Mohammed Al-Ajamee, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Univ. of Khartoum | Dept. of Earthquake Engineering, IIT Roorkee; Ritesh Kumar, Dept. of Earthquake Engineering, IIT Roorkee

Modern Methods for Investigating Sinkhole and Subsidence Risks Relating to Abandoned Underground Coal Mines
Joshua Zimmermann, Brierley Associates

Monitoring of In-Situ Moisture Content and Bulk Electrical Conductivity of Base Course and Subgrade of a Coastal Alabama State Highway
Amy D. Diekmann, Benjamin Bowers and J. Brian Anderson, Auburn University

Multi-hazard Fragility Curves for Vulnerability Assessment of Buried Pipelines Subjected to Earthquakes and Expansive Soil Conditions
Ali Shojaeian and Kanthasamy K. Muraleetharan, University of Oklahoma

Next Generation Liquefaction Laboratory Database for Susceptibility and Cyclic Strength Assessment
Arda Sahin, University of California, Los Angeles; Amalesh Jana, Montana State University; Christine Z. Beyzaei, Formerly at University of California, Berkeley; Rodolfo Sancio, Geosyntec Consultants; Kristin J. Ulmer, Southwest Research Institute; Scott J. Brandenberg, University of California, Los Angeles; Steven L. Kramer, University of Washington; Jonathan P. Stewart, University of California, Los Angeles; Armin Stuedlein, Oregon State University

Numerical Analysis of Liquefaction-Induced Deformation in Under-River HDD Crossings: A Case Study on Geotechnical Challenges and Solutions
Yasser Soltanpour, Erik Newman, Lance Finnefrock and Mathew Francis, AECOM

Numerical Assessment of vs Profile Gradient as a Site Response Predictor
Santosh Katuwal and Renmin Pretell, University of Nevada, Reno

Numerical Simulations of Sand Elements based on True-Undrained versus Constant-Volume Data from Cyclic Simple Shear Tests
Wing Shun (Welson) Kwan, Catherine Nguyen and Cesar Leal, California State University, Los Angeles

Optimizing Fungal Growth Duration and Concentrations of Cementation Solutions for Fugitive Dust Mitigation via FICP
Taylor E. Tuckett, Adesola Adegoke and Emmanuel Salifu, Arizona State University

Optimizing Luminaire Pole Foundation Designs with Hybrid FEM+ALE Impact Simulations
Tewodros Yosef, Chen Fang, Joshua Steelman, Mojdeh Asadollahipajouh and Ronald Faller, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Midwest Roadside Safety Facility, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Past, Present, and Future Liquefaction Hazard at Greenmeadows School, Napier, New Zealand
Aavash Ghimire and Kaleigh M. Yost, Pennsylvania State University; Andrew C. Stolte , University of Auckland; Alfonso I. Mejia, Pennsylvania State University; Rolando P. Orense, University of Auckland

Prediction Mechanism for Liquefaction Threshold Void Ratio of Granular Soils
Sao-Jeng Chao, National Ilan University

Quantifying Creeping Deformations due to Subsurface Urban Heat Islands in Chicago
Anjali N. Thota and Alessandro F. Rotta-Loria, Northwestern University

Reducing Site Investigation Uncertainties Using Coupled Electrical Resistivity Imaging and Ground Penetrating Radar Methods
Md Fahimuzzaman Khan, Abdulraheem Alzghoul and Sadik Khan, Jackson State University; Ian LaCour, Mississippi Department of Transportation

Seismic Ground Deformation Patterns in Fluvial Deposits for Alternative Scales of Soil Variability
Mohammad Faraz Athar and Patrick Bassal, Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geodetic Engineering, The Ohio State University

Shear Slide Analysis of Sloping Seabed Caused by Waves Using Random Finite Element Method
Amin Rafiei and Areen M. Al Ababneh, University of Hawaii at Manoa

Simulation of Subsurface Urban Heat Islands via the Random Forest Algorithm
Zhonghao Chu and Alessandro F. Rotta Loria, Northwestern University

Application of Low-Carbon Cement with Recycled Concrete Aggregate Fines for Enhancing Sustainability and Resiliency of Transportation Infrastructures
Nripojyoti Biswas, University of Massachusetts at Lowell | Texas A&M University; Muddassir Sanei and Anand J. Puppala, Texas A&M University; Rajib B. Mallick and Soheil Nazarian, The University of Texas at El Paso

Assessment of Vetiver Grass Survival and Soil Composition Changes in Sandy Soil Under Leachate Contamination
Anika Mahzabin, Sadik Khan, Fariha Rahman, Rahul Biswas, Abdulraheem Sami Alzghoul and Yadong Li, Jackson State University

Bi-directional Cyclic Shear Testing of Soils: From Earthquake Designs to Marine Monopiles
Wing Shun Kwan and Jean-Carlo Palacios, California State University, Los Angeles

Centrifuge Modelling of the Monotonic Capacity of Offshore Ring Anchors in Clay
Lin Huang and Alejandro Martinez, University of California, Davis; Charles Aubeny, Texas A&M University; Sanjay Raja Arwade and Don J. DeGroot, University of Massachusetts Amherst; Ryan Beemer, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

Characterization of Fine Fraction from Saliyar Open Dumpsite Mined Legacy Waste: A Comprehensive Analysis
Pradyumna Konar, Satyendra Mittal and Absar Ahmad Kazmi, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee

Comparative Analysis of Ring Shear and Direct Shear Tests for Interface Friction Angle of Granular Materials
Ali Seiphoori, Tam Nguyen Minh Duong and Mertcan Geyin, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI)

Development of Compaction Methodology for Ultra Lightweight Foamed Glass Aggregate (ULFGA)
Suraj Bhandari and Saad Ullah, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Effect of Fine Contents on the Compressibility of Liners Subjected to Freeze-Thaw Cycles
Ahmed M. Al-Mahbashi Bugshan, Muawia Dafalla, Abdullah Shaker and Mosleh Al-Shamrani, Dept. of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, King Saud Univ., Riyadh

Experimental Investigation of a Sustainable Thermal Energy Storage Sand Battery
Imad El-Chiti, Shadi Najjar, Salah Sadek, Joseph Zeaiter and Siba Haidar, American University of Beirut

Fungal Biofilms to Provide Light Cementation to Fine Sand
Sera Tirkes and Idil Deniz Akin, University of California Los Angeles; Haluk Beyenal and Duygu Aydin, Washington State University

Geotechnical Characterization of Salt Marshes Using Free Fall Penetrometers
Julie Paprocki, Katie O’Brien and Julian Baldwin, University of New Hampshire

Geotechnical Resilience-Based Design: An Early Concept of Reliability-Based Design Under Non-Stationary Conditions
Ahmad A. Alhasan and Jerry DiMaggio, Applied Research Associates

Geotechnical Site Characterization of Offshore Soils from Portable Free Fall Penetrometer Testing for the Application of Offshore Systems
Emma Dennis, Julie Paprocki and Dave Fredriksson, University of New Hampshire

Impact of Game-Design Based Learning on Student Engagement, Achievement and Motivation in Undergraduate Geotechnical Engineering Classes
Cassandra J. Rutherford and Beena Ajmera, Iowa State University Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering; Alenka Poplin, Iowa State University Department of Community and Regional Planning; Alyssa Emery, Justin W. Sabrowsky and Paul Chung, Iowa State University School of Education

Investigating Heavy Metals’ Speciation and Their Bioavailability on Chitosan and Modified Chitosan Amended Clayey Soil
Mohammad Nuruddin, National Institute of Technology Warangal; Romana Mariyam Rasheed, TKM College of Engineering; Arif Ali Baig Moghal, National Institute of Technology Warangal

Investigating the Impact of Variations in Matric Suction Profile on Thermal Power Generation from Energy Piles in Unsaturated Sands
Sohail Saheb and Omid Ghasemi Fare, University of Louisville; Amir Akbari Garakani, Niroo Research Institute (NRI)

Large-Scale Experimental Investigations of Tapered Pile Jacking Resistance at Varying Penetration Ratios
Amin Amin Barari, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology; Lars Bo Ibsen, Aalborg University, Denmark

Long-term Performance of Biopolymer-enhanced Soils for Beach Erosion Mitigation
Sherif Lotfy Abdelaziz and Seyed Morteza Zeinali, Virginia Tech

Middle School STEM Summer Camp for Indigenous Students in Utqiaġvik, Alaska and STEM Activities in State College, Pennsylvania
Matthew John Hallissey and Isabel Rubino, The Pennsylvania State University; Andrew Ahearn, State College Area School District; Ming Xiao, The Pennsylvania State University

New Jersey Turnpike Authority Approach to Pavement Management System
Masoumeh Tavakol and Brian T. Felber, HNTB Co; Daniel De Stefano, New Jersey Turnpike Authority

Nitrate Removal from Stormwater Using Chitosan and Bentonite
Banuchandra Nagaraja and Krishna R. Reddy, University of Illinois Chicago; Angelica M. Palomino, University of Tennessee Knoxville

Numerical Prediction of the Effectiveness of Thermally Enhanced Bio-Remediation at Contaminated Sites
Omid Ghasemi-Fare, Sohail Saheb and Kiarash Jafarzadeh, University of Louisville

Optimal Geotechnical and Mineralogical Properties for 3D Printing of Clay-Rich Soils
Hope Lonsford, University of Washington; Saswati Ray, Myat Su Shin and Pavan Akula, Oregon State University

Optimizing Bridge Scour Maintenance in Flood-prone Areas: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Aging Infrastructure and Equity Enhancement
Amir Hosein Taherkhani, Weiwei Mo, Erin Bell and Fei Han, University of New Hampshire

Optimizing Shallow Geothermal Energy: A Cost-Driven Performance Analysis for Grout Selection
Aditya Deshmukh and Muddassir Sanei, Texas A&M University; Puneet Bhaskar, Texas Transportation Institute; Anand J. Puppala, Texas A&M University; Xinbao Yu, University of Texas at Arlington

Regional Seismic Hazard Assessment in Yanbu Industrial City in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Miguel Francisco Amaral and Christian Groom, Parsons Corporation; Motaz Sami Bukhari, Royal Commission Yanbu; Stephen Laing, Parsons Corporation; Yasser Meshrea Al-Bogami and Zaidan Mohammed Yousef, Royal Commission Yanbu

Reliability-Based Design of Rammed Earth Structures using Machine Learning Models
Shadi Najjar, Anas Mustapha, Mounir Mabsout and Aram Yeretzian, American University of Beirut

Residual Moisture Content and Stiffness Property of Base Layer: A Comparison Study Between RCA and Natural Aggregate
Celso M N Santos and Bora Cetin, Michigan State University

Selenium and Cadmium Adsorption Capacity of Geosynthetic Clay Liners Based on the Polymer Load
Martha Maria Santos and Poyu Zhang, University of Central Florida; Yu Tan, University of Wisconsin, Madison; Jiannan Chen, University of Central Florida

Suction, Saturation and Stability: The Impact of Rainfall, Bedrock and Vegetation on Landslide Occurrence
Sarah Springman, Ph.D., C.Eng

The lecture will consider lessons learned from a series of field monitoring experiments carried out in Switzerland. Some universal themes are explored to explain and categorize responses of slopes to rainfall. The effect of saturation, drainage (including into bedrock) and effective stress on mobilized soil strength are investigated. Additionally, the role of the depth, permeability and shape of the bedrock, as well as the effects of vegetation will be discussed to provide a clear engineering approach for evaluation of slope stability with thoughts expressed towards designing elements for early warning systems. Some flights of fancy may be followed into the learnings from centrifuge experiments and numerical modelling, all with a view to understanding soil behavior and failure mechanisms that should interest practitioners and researchers alike.

New Spatial and Temporal Perspectives on Geo-hazards – The Hurricane Helene and Milton Story
Moderator: David Frost, Georgia Tech

Hurricanes Helene and Milton battered the Southeast US in fall 2024, causing destruction in several states. Every hurricane brings with it unique lessons learned, and these two are no exception. Join us for a panel of Geotechnical Extreme Events Reconnaissance (GEER) members and experts outside the geotechnical field as they discuss challenges presented by these storms and paths forward toward recovery, mitigation, and adaptation.

Erosion Mechanism Assessment and Scour Depth Prediction of Offshore Cemented Sand Using Erosion Function Apparatus (Efa)
Ilhan Chang, Suhyuk Park and Jinwoo Park, Ajou University

Erosion Characteristics of Select Biopolymers and Their Cross-Linking Effect on the Stability of Cohesive Slopes
M. Ashok Kumar, CVR College of Engineering; Arif Ali Baig Moghal, National Institute of Technology Warangal; Romana Mariyam Rasheed, TKM College of Engineering; Mohammad Nuruddin, National Institute of Technology Warangal

Identifying Key Factors for Initiating Soil Erosion Around Defective Buried Pipes Under Infiltration Conditions
Fei Wang, Mississippi State University; Ruth Abegaz and Jun Xu, Tarleton State University; Jie    Huang, University of Texas at San Antonio

Integrating Unconfined Compressive Strength Analysis with Erosion Testing for Enhanced Soil Erosion Category Predictions              
Mostafa Ebrahimi, Southern Illinois University Carbondale; Abdolreza Osouli, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville; Heather Shoup, Illinois Department of Transportation

Monitoring Pier Scour at Alabama Bridges Using Low-Cost Equipment
Murilo H. P. Tarozzo, Auburn University ; Luis Fernando Castaneda, Omega Engineers Inc.; Jose G. Vasconcelos and J. Brian Anderson, Auburn University

Quantifying the Variation in Rainfall Erosivity Estimations due to Different Regression Models and Changing Climatic Conditions         
Mengting Chen, Jaime C. Schussler and Debakanta Mishra, Oklahoma State University

A New Model in Θ-STOCK to Numerically Model NAPL Contaminant Transport through Unsaturated Porous Media
Kiarash Jafarzadeh Marandi, University of Louisville; Behrouz Gatmiri, University of Tehran; Omid Ghasemi Fare, University of Louisville; Mohammadreza Hassani, University of Tehran

Challenges in Numerical Simulation of Frost Heave
Antai Dong and Xiong Zhang, Missouri University of Science and Technology

Development of a Database for Soil Desiccation Crack Testing Results
Amirali Asadian and Farshid Vahedifard, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tufts University; Chao-Sheng Tang, School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University

Evaluation of Soil-Water Retention Characteristics of Fouled Ballast Using Axis Translation Technique
Shakeel Abid Mohammed and Stacey Elizabeth Kulesza, Texas State University

Liquefaction of Unsaturated Soils Through a Nonlocal Meshfree Method with Bounding Surface Plasticity
Xiaoyu Song and Hossein Pashazad, University of Florida

Numerical Analysis of Vapor Diffusion Coefficient Influence on Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Behavior of Expansive Soils
Fereydoun Najafian Jazi, Omid Ghasemi-Fare and Thomas Rockaway , University of Louisville

Assessing Seismic Hazards for Engineering Design and Other Applications in Kentucky
Zhenming Wang and Seth Carpenter, University of Kentucky

Crr Evaluation for Non/Low-Plastic Silts: Comparing Recompression and Shansep Methods
Amir Barati Nia, Andrew Earl Parrott, Kayla Sorenson, Diane Moug and Arash Khosravifar, Portland State University

Evaluation of Analysis Methods for Earthquake-Induced Slope and Bridge Foundation Displacement – A Case Study on Vincent Thomas Bridge – West Tower Foundation, Port of Los Angeles, California
Amin Rahmani, Earth Mechanics, Inc.; Anoosh Shamsabadi, Caltrans: California Department of Transportation; Hubert Law and Patrick Wilson, Earth Mechanics, Inc.

Geotechnical Characterization of the Soil Along the Oregon Coast: Preparing for the Next Subduction Event
Amalesh Jana, Montana State University; Maxwell Williams and Coen Hieggelke, Oregon State University; Ali Dadashiserej, Jacobs Engineering Group; Saswati Ray, Oregon State University

Liquefaction Triggering Model for Injection-Induced Seismic Events in Oklahoma, Texas, and Kansas
Russell A. Green, Virginia Tech; Tyler Quick, US Bureau of Reclamation; Ellen Rathje, University of Texas at Austin

Seismic Settlement Evaluation of the Nihal Atakas Mosque after the 2023 Kahramanmaras, Turkiye Earthquakes
Ozgun A. Numanoglu, Schnabel Engineering; Renmin Pretell, University of Nevada, Reno; Sevil Akkaya, SK Proje; Vashish Taukoor, WSP

Numerical Analysis of a Group of Batter Piles Subjected to Lateral Loading for Different Batter Angle
Dinesh Kumar Verma and Nihar Ranjan Patra, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Numerical Model for Thaw Consolidation of Ice-Rich Permafrost Using the Finite Volume Approach
Ziyi Wang and Ming Xiao, The Pennsylvania State University

Numerical Simulation of Freeze-Thaw Depth in Pavements using PLAXIS Thermal and Validation with Field Data
Md Fyaz Sadiq, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Michigan State University | Minnesota Department of Transportation; Raul Velasquez, Minnesota Department of Transportation; Bora Cetin, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Michigan State University; Bernard Izevbekhai, Minnesota Department of Transportation

Numerical Study of Trapdoor Underground Collapses Using Material Point Method
Carole Karam and Alba Yerro, Virginia Tech; Joelle Westcott, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)

Numerical Study on Ground Vibrations and Deformations Induced by Vibratory Rollers in Central Florida        
Jorge Eliecer Ballesteros Ortega, Jorge E. Orozco-Herrera, Gyu-Beom Shin and Luis G. Arboleda-Monsalve, University of Central Florida

Predicting the Pore Size Distribution of Saturated Clay at Different Temperatures Using Pore Network Analysis
Behrooz Daneshian, Reihaneh Hosseini and Sherif Abdelaziz, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Effect of Polymer Elution on Shear Strength of Interface Between Smooth Geomembrane and Bentonite-Polymer Geosynthetic Clay Liner
Hanrui Zhao and Kuo M. Tian, George Mason University

Geosynthetic Floating Covers for Protecting Water and Four of the Worlds Largest Floating Cover projects installed in the past 15 years
Brian W. Fraser, Layfield Geosynthetics

Geotextile Tube Dewatering – Learning from a Large-Scale Lab Test
Zeru B. Kiffle and Shobha K. Bhatia, Water Solve LLC

Influence of the Use of High-Performance Geomembranes on the Environmental Impact of a MSW Landfill During Its Service Life
Beatriz Rodríguez López, II, Atarfil Geomembranes | University of Granada; Borja Nanton Arco, III, Atarfil Geomembranes

Structural Contribution of Dynamic Modulus of Cellular Confinement System in Pavement Stabilization
Arghya Kamal Chatterjee, Stratum Logics; Yitzchak Schary, PRS Global; Sanat Pokharel, Stratum Logics

The Role of Std-OIT vs HP-OIT Detected Antioxidants in Stabilizing Geomembrane Base Liners in Various Geoenvironmental Applications
Mohamed Salah Morsy, Structural Engineering Department, Ain Shams University; Kerry Rowe and Fady Abdelaal, GeoEngineering Centre at Queen’s-RMC, Queen’s University

Breakthrough Curves of Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS) on Japanese Host Soils
Tomohiro Kato, Hiro Yoshimura, Atsushi Takai, Shuhei Tanaka, Wenjiao Li, Takeshi Katsumi, Kyoto University

Effect of Silica Fume, Coconut Shell Ash and Egg Shell Ash Stabilizers on the Plasticity and Strength Behavior of Coastal Embankment Soil
Minhaz Mohammad Shahriar, North South University; Berjees Anisa Ikra, Stamford University Bangladesh; Romana Yasmeen and Ayed Anowar, North South University

Effects of Wet-Dry Cycling on Tensile Strength of Lightly Cemented Dune Sand from a Kangaroo Rat Habitat
Sera Tirkes, University of California, Los Angeles; Duygu Aydin, Washington State University; Idil Deniz Akin, University of California, Los Angeles; Haluk Beyenal, Washington State University

Microbially Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation (MICP) as a Carbon Sequestration Technique for Mining Waste
Samantha Wilcox and Catherine Mulligan, Concordia University; Carmen Mihaela Neculita, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue

Modeling of Soil Freezing Water Characteristic Curve Considering Phase Change
Ali Behdad, Jongwan Eun and Incheol Kim, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Short-Term Effect of External Sulfate Contamination on Physico-Chemical and Index Properties of Carbide Lime Stabilized Expansive Soil
Narmada N

Comparison of Dynamic Properties Between Treated and Untreated Bauxite Residue
Jose Fuentes, Wing Shun Kwan, Cesar Leal and Elizabeth Nunez, California State University, Los Angeles

Evaluating the Role of pH on Bio-Catalyzed CO2 Trapping
A. Mert Kavala and Alexandra Clarà Saracho, The University of Texas at Austin

Hydraulic Conductivity and Chemical Compatibility of Trichy Clay for Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Liner Applications
Shanmuga Priya R. and Thyagaraj T., IIT Madras

Spatial Assessment of Wildfire in Plumas National Forest Using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Imagery and Deep Learning Techniques
Arip Syaripudin Nur and Yong Je Kim, Lamar University

Validation of An Empirical Model for Underwater Noise Due to Pile Driving Based upon High Attenuation at Lower Frequencies in Shallow Water
Raphael Crowley, Mariam Makoleo, Consolatha Mushi, Amanda Schaaf, Emily Sapp, James Gelsleichter and Ryan Shamet, University of North Florida

Effects of Wet-Dry Cycling on Tensile Strength of Lightly Cemented Dune Sand from a Kangaroo Rat Habitat
Sera Tirkes, U of California Los Angeles

Phytoremedial Potential of Cymbopogon Citratus in Bauxite Mines Overburden
Wendy Presler, Shannon & Wilson

Dennis Doherty, Terracon
The growth and acceptance of trenchless technology as an alternative construction method is making strides. Owners and the public are demanding trenchless methods because of their many benefits, including reduced carbon footprint, reduced public impact and impact to business operations, and reduced construction and schedule cost.

Many engineers, owners, and contractors are joining the cause, especially in adopting new trenchless installation methods. Unfortunately, they often don’t understand serious issues that may arise, sometimes due to a lack of technical understanding of trenchless installation methods. They may lack a technical understanding of trenchless installation methods or key knowledge of geological engineering and ground behavior, and the required surface support layout for each trenchless method.

A detailed understanding of the geology, work zone requirements, crossing length, how pipe material will behave, and how each method excavates and stabilizes the ground is required for proper and safe installation. Too often, engineers draw a line on a piece of paper without understanding its implications, believing it’s “up to the contractor to figure it out.” At times, owners and engineers assume a method can be used when it shouldn’t be.

Trenchless crossings are “engineered products,” not a directive for the contractor to build them without regard for the surface and subsurface conditions at the proposed crossing. This approach puts both the owner and contractor at risk.

This special session will explore examples and issues from past trenchless projects. It will also explore tools and procedures, including scoping an effective geotechnical exploration program, that can be used to mitigate risk and avoid common trenchless pitfalls.

This technical session will focus on the advantages and disadvantages of flexible geosynthetics, e.g., geomembranes and geotextiles for containment engineering applications, such as, pumped storage hydropower, freshwater reservoirs, and caves. Some of the advantages of flexible geosynthetics include predictable installation times, lower and non-union wages, less field seaming and testing, quicker seaming and testing in the factory than field, and better overall geosynthetics installation. This track is supported by the FGI, which is a Supporting Organization of Geotechnical Frontiers 2025.

Presentation Titles/Presenters:

Hinkle Reservoir Replacement Liner, Baffle, and Floating Cover –  Patrick Elliott (Viaflex) & Douglas Hilts (HCG)
Over 30 Years of Leak Location Surveys: The Cliffs Notes Version – Matthew Kemnitz (LLSI)
Geomembranes Sustainability through Longevity: Mammoth Cave – Bill Shehane (Seaman)
New Developments in Prevention and Protection of Water Resources. Why EIA-PVC Alloys Are the Best Choice for Long-Term, Improved Performance –  J.P. Lens (Cooley)
Challenging Environmental Containment for Large Crude Oil Tank Storage Facility –  Brian Fraser (Layfield)

Recent Very Tall Soil Nailing Projects for Slope Repair at Teton Pass in Wyoming and Natchez National Cemetery in Mississippi
John R. Wolosick, P.E., S.E., BC.GE, F.ASCE